September 8, 2024


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Live Long Finish Strong – Book Review

Live Long Finish Strong – Book Review

By: Gloria Copeland (2010)

ISBN 978-0-446-55927-0

Book Price: $15.50

You can live long and finish strong

There are divine secrets to living healthy, happy, and healed. The Bible displays a sound program to claim the promise of a long and blessed life. Everyone can view Biblical lessons to help them expand their God endorsed life span of at least 120 years. You can be energized and renewed regardless of your chronological age. Yes, you too can live a full life!

World influence

Gloria Copeland is a New York Times Bestselling author. With her husband Kenneth they are the best-selling authors of more than 60 books. They have circled the globe for over 45 years, releasing the uncompromised Word of God. Their television broadcasts (BVOV, etc.) air daily on more than 500 stations around the world.

Enjoy long life

Gloria Copeland expresses simple biblical truth for longevity in 11 chapters. She shares subjects as, How old is old? (Ch. 1), Protecting your fountain of youth (Ch. 5), The ultimate guide to longevity (Ch. 7), God’s Healing Promises: Good at any age (Ch. 9), The live-long lifestyle of faith (Ch. 10), and much more to enjoy long life!

Edified to live long and strong

Gloria Copeland shares passionately, saying, “If you’ve ever thought seventy or eighty is old, I suggest you regroup and give that some more consideration. Reset your expectations. Adjust your sights and go for at least 120 years.”

Bold declarations, fortified by biblical truth, establish Gloria’s perspective. She sites Joshua’s life to declare that 80 years is young, declaring “It’s obvious that God did not intend for Joshua to start winding down at eighty.”

Gloria inspires readers with tangible facts. She shares, “We are filled with the Spirit of God. We have eternal life inside us and the Word of life available to us on the pages of our Bibles to help us renew our youth every day.”

Copeland confronts false attitudes, expressing, “Some people don’t like God to show them where they are missing it. They get upset by that. But I don’t. I appreciate God’s correcting me because it keeps me out of trouble.”

Gloria speaks to Christians, saying, “Whether we realize it or not, we as believers are actually the most alive people on earth. We have residing inside us the very Author and Source of life. Think of it! The Lord Jesus Christ… “

The Copeland’s personal stories of abundant life aid as a powerful reminder that their message works. Gloria says, “They accused us of being extremists, and we are guilty as charged. We are extreme when it comes to God’s Word. And as a result, we are extremely healed, extremely prosperous, and extremely blessed in every way.”

Believe to live long and fulfilling lives

Gloria Copeland confidently and successfully teaches readers to believe to live long and fulfilling lives.