If pumping iron or going to gym is not your thing, you still can build a solid physique. The following weight-free routine pumps muscles well and no equipment is necessary. Complete 10 repetitions of each maneuver or if you feel strong do more 15-20. Perform the workout daily if you don’t do any weight training at home or gym.
Step forward with the right leg. Keeping the back straight and head up, proceed to squat until the right thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, then rise to starting point. Perform sets with each leg.
Place hands on a low object like chair behind you, with legs out in front in knees. Proceed to lower until upper arms are parallel to the floor.
Pause, then push up to starting position. This workout you can repeat more then 10 repetitions.
Lie on your back with hands behind head, knees bent and feet flat.
Proceed to raise the head, shoulders and twist to the left. Pause, then lower and on the next repetition twist to the right.
Place the ball of your left foot on a step, with the right foot in the air. proceed to rise up on toes. Pause, then lower. Perform alternating sets with each foot.
Stand with hands behind head and feet apart. Keeping the back straight, proceed to lower at the waist util the upper body is almost parallel to the floor. Pause, then rise to starting position.
Seated, bend slightly and grasp the left wrist with the right hand. With the left elbow on the left knee for support, proceed to curl the arm up, providing resistance with right hand. Pause, then return to starting position. Perform alternating sets with each arm.
Sit at the end of a bench or flat surface, with legs extended out together, slightly bent, and grasping the edges for support.
Proceed to bend the knees and pull them into the chest. Pause, then return to starting position.
Shoulders and chests
Begin in a push-up position palms in by shoulders. Keeping the upper and lower bodies aligned, proceed to arms length. Pause, then lower to starting position. The same repeat for chests only palms must be forward by shoulders.
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