8 Ways Men Can Get and Keep a Strong Erection
Keeping a strong erection is certainly a topic important to nearly every man out there, especially since at some point in time, over half the male population will experience some form of erectile dysfunction or weak erections. However, many men don’t know that a few simple tips can increase their erection function significantly (and they are good for a man’s whole health too). Here are eight ways a man can put weak erections in his rear-view mirror and be the master of his domain.
Strong Erection Stirrer #1: Quit Smoking
Smoking is an automatic erection eroder. Smoking dehydrates and shrinks blood vessels in the body, including those that go and are in a man’s penis. When blood vessels aren’t oxygenated and healthy, blood can’t forcefully surge to bring about an erection, so if a man wants to do something good for his (whole) body, quitting smoking is at the top of the list.
Strong Erection Stirrer #2: Ditch the Spare Tire
Noticing a little too much around the middle lately? Too much belly fat can throw a man’s hormones into chaos. Those love handles are converting testosterone into estrogen, which is the anti-boner hormone. Getting and staying at a healthy weight is crucial to keep testosterone levels even. Testosterone is critical because it kicks off the whole erection process, so keeping it healthy makes the libido healthy as well.
Strong Erection Stirrer #3: Clock in at the Gym – Regularly!
Remember all that talk about blood vessels in #1? Well, blood vessels need frequent surges of intense oxygenation to keep them bouncy and flexible, and one of the best ways to do it is by keeping a daily (or as close as possible) date to exercise and get the blood pumping.
Bonus: This tip also helps a man get and keep his stamina up for a nice, long sex sesh!
Strong Erection Stirrer #4: Make Mine a Cranberry and Soda with a Twist
Too much of the sauce can lead to a limp love life. Alcohol can have a depressive effect on the body, limiting libido and sensitivity. Doctors recommend keeping it to two or fewer drinks per day.
Strong Erection Stirrer #5: Keep Calm and Get a Hard On
Everyone knows that too much bad stress can take a toll on a person physically and mentally. It can also make getting wood difficult because it upsets a man’s nervous system, which is part of the pop-up process. Find a way to Zen out, such as meditating, talking, working in the garden, or even just breathing.
Strong Erection Stirrer #6: Treat the Root, Not the Symptom
Several underlying medical conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension, are associated with erectile dysfunction. It’s tempting to just pop a little blue pill, but that may not work in the present or the long run. Be sure to address medical issues first; most times, it will clear up the erection issue as a result.
Strong Erection Stirrer #7: Give it a Rest
Sometimes men get weak or nonexistent erections because they are giving the big guy too much attention, creating desensitization. If this is the case, give your penis some time off for good behavior.
Stronger Erection Stirrer #8: Make Penis Health a Priority
Lots of men don’t really consider penis health as a separate entity, but it is. Doing things like getting to annual exams, doing weekly self-exams, practicing safe sex, and having a good grooming regimen are all basic foundations men should have in place to keep their penis healthy and erections plentiful. It’s also a good idea to use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil , which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep a penis happy and healthy. This crème not only keeps skin elastic and flexible but also boasts penis boosters like vitamin C and Arginine which are erection promoters. Use daily for best results.